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Clinic Plastic Dream


Rhinoplasty is a surgery which consists in improving the shape of the nose so that it is symmetrical with the other features of the face, we all dream of having a beautiful nose but not only because it also eliminates any problem of the nasal airways.

Rhinoplasty is a simple surgery if you choose your surgeon wisely because the nose is still an important part of the face because it is located in the middle and as you probably knew we are entitled to have 3 rhinoplasty in our life 

Clinic Plastic Dream and all its team of surgeons more experienced than the other with many years of experience in the field of plastic surgery will answer your request by offering you a professional quality treatment in order to guarantee you the best results.


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Rhinoplasty Simple Rhinoplasty Complex rhinoplasty Reconstructive rhinoplasty

Before &  After

Before after rhinoplasty Turkey Istanbul
Rinoplastia Rinoplastia Simple  Rinoplastia Compleja  Rinoplastia  Reconstructiva Turquíe Estambul

When is rhinoplasty done ?

Most people have rhinoplasty for purely cosmetic purposes and other cases do so for purely medical purposes.
Here are the most common factors of our patients

  • The nose is too big compared to other facial features.

  • Dissatisfaction with the shape of the nose.

  • Curved nose shape.

  • Respiratory problem due to a congenital accident.

The surgeons at Clinique Plastic Dream take each factor into account and offer a treatment adapted to each case encountered. And plan a preoperative examination to ensure the health of our patients.

Your satisfaction will be ours.

Before Rhinoplasty 

Rhinoplasty cosmetic surgery Turkey

As with every surgery, there is a protocol that must be followed by patients to ensure the best results after the operation.
Here are some guidelines to consider:

  • You must inform the surgeon of any medication taken 

  • You must inform the surgeon of any illness 

  • If the patient smokes or drinks alcohol he should stop 2 weeks before the operation.

  • Avoid eating or drinking 6 to 7 hours before the operation
  • Any allergies due to medical products should be known.
  • stopping the use of aspirin, pain relievers, herbal supplements, vitamins, for 2 weeks before the operation.

 the examinations concerning the operation of rhinoplasty will be carried out by the doctors in order to ensure the health of the patient.

During Rhinoplasty

In rhinoplasty there are two types of operation

Tipplasty: This type of rhinoplasty is intended for people who have a problem with the tip of the nose only but do not have a problem with the curve of the nose or breathing problems. This is done by adding cartilage to the end of the nose until the desired shape is achieved. It is done under local anesthesia and the procedure takes about 30 minutes to an hour. The patient can leave the hospital on the same day as the day of the operation.

General Rhinoplasty: This type is generally intended for people who suffer from a large nose or not compatible with their facial features, curved nasal bones or respiratory problems. the operation will modify the nostrils as well as the tip of the nose  if necessary, by sculpting the nasal bones the necessary cartilage will be added to obtain  the size and shape you want.
The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The operation lasts about 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes.

Rhinoplasty cosmetic surgery Turkey

After Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty cosmetic surgery Turkey

After the operation several guidelines should be followed to ensure the best results, and recovery.
Here is what there is to know:

  • You will receive a nasal splint which you will need to wear within the timeframe indicated by the doctors.

  • Avoid blowing your nose or wiping your nose.

  • Take a shower method specified by the doctors.

  • Avoid extreme laughs, extreme smiles or facial expressions, and loud sneezes.

  • In the early days, keep your head above your chest.

  • You should take the medications prescribed by the doctors at the regular and specified times.

  • Strenuous sports activities should be avoided during the first month of the operation.

  • Smoking and alcohol should be avoided.

  • Be sure to wear a cloth that will not come in contact with the operation area.

  • Gently brush your teeth.

  • Avoid wearing glasses for the first 3 weeks after the operation.

Note: There will be some swelling and tangling sensations after the operation, this is normal.
you will be given pain relievers and when the swelling sensation will go away during the first few days after the operation.

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