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Clinic Plastic Dream

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

The Brazilian butt lift operation is one of the most requested surgeries of the last decade due to the big change in beauty standards. And after today's new advanced technologies, all women aim to have a perfect body to increase their own self-esteem. and to have a more attractive feminine figure, many women tend to do Brazilian butt lift.

Clinic Plastic Dream will have you undergo this operation with a team of experienced and qualified specialist surgeons with reasonable price, quality service and stunning results.


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Brazilian butt lift BBL Brazilian butt lift cosmetic surgery buttocks surgery Turkey istanbul

Before &  After

befor and after Brazilian butt lift BBL Brazilian butt lift cosmetic surgery buttocks surgery Turkey istanbul
Levantamiento De Glúteos Brasileño BBL Lifting Brasileño De Glúteos BBL Inyección De Grasa En Glúteos  Culo Duro Glúteos Duros Culo Latino Cirugía De Glúteos Turquíe Estambul

Advantage  Of  Brazilian Butt Lift

The Brazilian butt lift is a surgical operation aimed at improving the volume and shape of the buttocks by transferring fat.

BBL is used to achieve a more natural appearance and build more roundness in the buttocks by removing excess fat in the requested area. Another advantage of the Brazilian butt lift operation is that there is a lower risk of infection than silicone buttock implants.

The best advantage of the Brazilian Butt Lift is that the surgery can last for many years. The fat cells removed with liposuction will not appear in the operated area and the fat cells transferred to the buttocks will remain for years.

Results are usually final within six months of surgery after the residual swelling has resolved and patients have healed. By this time, the more curvy buttocks and improved lower body proportions should be visible in your appearance and the way your clothes suit you.

Before  Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

Patients should follow their surgeon's preoperative instructions to ensure consistent results before and after surgery.

The surgeon consults the patient and carries out examinations to see if the patient is able to do this operated  and discuss their expectations for the desired result.

Brazilian butt lift BBL Brazilian butt lift cosmetic surgery buttocks surgery Turkey istanbul

During the  Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

Brazilian butt lift BBL Brazilian butt lift cosmetic surgery buttocks surgery Turkey istanbul

BBL surgery consists of an injection of fat, which is characterized by natural-looking results. The surgeon uses liposuction to remove fat from other parts of the patient's body. The fats removed were purified and prepared for injection into the buttocks.

The surgeon, who makes three to five incisions around the buttocks to transfer the fat, will inject the removed fat into specific areas of the buttocks to create a more rounded appearance.

After the  Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

After the operation, care is an important process to ensure the best results. Patients should therefore take doctor's advice seriously for lasting results.


Brazilian butt lift BBL Brazilian butt lift cosmetic surgery buttocks surgery Turkey istanbul
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