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Clinic Plastic Dream

Arm Lift

Arm lift surgery is one of the simplest cosmetic surgeries and it is usually done following liposuction in order to have a coordinated shape of the body. With age our skin sags in several areas of the body, fortunately today everything is possible with surgery.

Clinic Plastic Dream provides you with the operation with a team of experienced and qualified surgeons who offer quality at a reasonable price and with mind-blowing results.


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Arm Lift Turkey Falling Arm Firm Arm Young Arm Arm Liposuction Turkey Istanbul Cosmetic Arm Surgery Cosmetic Surgery

Before &  After

befor and after Arm Lift Turkey Falling Arm Firm Arm Young Arm Arm Liposuction Turkey Istanbul Cosmetic Arm Surgery Cosmetic Surgery
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 Who Can Use  Arm Lift

Regardless of their gender, thousands of people undergo arm lift surgery.

Most patients, who lost a lot of weight, found that the tight skin on the upper arms, thighs, waist, face and breasts sagged.

Other patients request this body contouring surgery because they aspire to tighten the loose skin that appears with aging. This is because of aging, most people develop lower levels of vital proteins that strengthen connective tissue and improve skin elasticity, like collagen and elastin, for example.

In general, everyone is likely to be the right candidate if they are committed to a healthy lifestyle, if they are concerned about sagging skin on the arm and / or armpit and s 'he wishes to tighten the sagging skin.

Before  Arm Lift

Several weeks before the arm lift operation, the surgeon gives patients a preoperative assessment to ensure they are ready for the operation by reviewing their medical history. The consultation is also the perfect time to ask the surgeon questions or let him know your expectations regarding the arm lift.

The results of the preoperative assessment will help the surgeon determine the most reliable strategy for surgery.

Arm Lift Turkey Falling Arm Firm Arm Young Arm Arm Liposuction Turkey Istanbul Cosmetic Arm Surgery Cosmetic Surgery

During the  Arm Lift

Arm Lift Turkey Falling Arm Firm Arm Young Arm Arm Liposuction Turkey Istanbul Cosmetic Arm Surgery Cosmetic Surgery

The surgeon makes incisions on the underside of the patient's arms. The length and shape of the incisions depend on the amount of skin to be removed. Then the cosmetic surgeon tightens the underlying tissues of the patient and adjusts them with stitches.

The specialist can also use a liposuction technique. The patient's skin will then be draped over the new contours, and the excess skin will be removed. Stitches or surgical tape will be used to close the incisions.

After Arm Lift

During the recovery period from the arm lift operation, the patient may be required to wear a compression garment to manage the swelling. The surgeon may also insert a temporary drainage tube into the patient's arm to remove any fluid or blood that collects after the operation.

Thereafter, the surgeon will provide the patient with postoperative care instructions to follow at home. These instructions include how to care for the scars, what medications to take, and when to follow up appointments.

Arm Lift Turkey Falling Arm Firm Arm Young Arm Arm Liposuction Turkey Istanbul Cosmetic Arm Surgery Cosmetic Surgery
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