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Clinic Plastic Dream

Vaser liposuction

People who are overweight, but cannot shed fat in certain parts of their body, even when dieting and exercising. Now you can eliminate fat by Vaser liposuction. Although liposuction is effective in removing fat, it does not generally help with weight loss. With this procedure, the body will get a much better shape by removing fatty tissue. Fat can be sucked from the abdomen, buttocks, hips, knees, legs, arms and breasts. This procedure makes the body more symmetrical and natural. 

Liposuction has become more popular among both men and women, which involves removing fat cells under the skin. Although liposuction is not a treatment for obesity.


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Before &  After

Befor and after Liposuction Turkey
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Why we have recourse to  Vaser liposuction

Liposuction helps to reduce and reshape specific areas of the body in order to improve the contours and shapes of the patient's body.

Liposuction is used to remove tough fat from areas of the body such as the abdomen, upper arms, buttocks, calves and ankles, chest and back, hips and thighs, chin and neck .

In addition, liposuction can be used for breast reduction or the treatment of gynecomastia.

As you gain weight, the number and volume of fat cells increases. In addition, liposuction reduces the number of cells in the specific area. The amount of fat extracted depends on the appearance of the area and the volume of fat. The resulting contour changes are usually permanent as long as the weight remains stable.

Before the  Vaser liposuction

The surgery of liposuction varies from small to large operation. It depends on the area of the body affected and how much fat is being extracted. Even though this is a minor operation, it does require preparation to ensure the process runs smoothly. You need to plan your recovery time in advance and make sure you have everything you need.

Patients must share their expectations with the surgeon and those expectations must be realistic. You must inform the doctor if you have already performed any operations.

Tests will be done to make sure you are fit for the operation. The patient must be over 18 years old. Vaser liposuction does not damage veins, nerves, muscles or tissues

Liposuction of the belly Liposuction of the back Liposuction of the thighs Liposuction of the arms Liposuction of the love handle   Vaser liposuction Liposuction plastic surgery   body surgery Turkey Istanbul

During the  Vaser liposuction

Liposuction of the belly Liposuction of the back Liposuction of the thighs Liposuction of the arms Liposuction of the love handle   Vaser liposuction Liposuction plastic surgery   body surgery Turkey Istanbul

Vaser is a special ultrasonic technology used to break down fat cells by sending ultrasonic frequency waves. Once the fat cells are weakened, the plastic surgeon is able to get rid of the excess fat through a suction process (liposuction is part of the procedure). Ultrasound technology in Vaser liposuction procedure has some advantages over traditional liposuction procedures.Sagging skin that occurs after conventional liposuction techniques does not occur after Vaser liposuction. In addition, this method allows the surgeon to work better, to ensure perfect shaping of the skin, hips and body lines. this method melts the fat cells and liquefies them, so there are no wrinkles in the skin like conventional liposuction techniques. This procedure is done under general anesthesia. It takes about 1 to 3 hours depending on the amount of fat.

After the  Vaser liposuction 

Other cosmetic operations can be performed with liposuction to have a compatible body shape such as Brazilian butt lift, facelift and breast lift.

Fortunately, with this new technology, the recovery period is faster than conventional liposuction surgery. And the patient can resume his normal life soon after the operation.

Liposuction of the belly Liposuction of the back Liposuction of the thighs Liposuction of the arms Liposuction of the love handle   Vaser liposuction Liposuction plastic surgery   body surgery Turkey Istanbul

Important Point To Know 

  • There will be some swelling after the operation and this is normal and the final desired body shape will begin six to eight months after the surgery.

  • You will be given a post-surgery corset that you should wear for 3-4 weeks after the operation and it is a special type of corset that will not show up under clothes.

  • The shower is at least two days after the operation

  • A special diet after the operation should be followed.

  • You can return to normal life three days after the operation.

  • Medications prescribed by doctors should be taken within the time periods specified by doctors.

  • Avoid strenuous sports for the first two to three weeks after the operation.

  • Smoking and alcohol should be avoided until doctors approve it.

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